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College Essay Topics Examples
Thursday, August 27, 2020
My Main Object In This Story Was, Essays - Charles Dickens
My principle object in this story was, to show in an assortment of perspectives the commonest of the considerable number of indecencies: to appear how Selfishness spreads itself; what's more, to what a dismal monster it might develop, from little beginnings - Charles Dickens about the reason of his novel: Martin Chuzzlewit (130) Since the narrow minded man sees no normal intrigue or bond between himself and the remainder of his reality he is liberated from moral regret, free to build a bogus self, cover, r?le, or then again persona, and making careful effort to secure his genuine self from the infringements of a threatening world. - Joseph Gold (131) Any sort of creative mind isolated from its material or radiation becomes a Specter of Selfhood... - Blake (134) 12/20/96 Source: Charles Dickens: Radical Moralist Creator: Joseph Gold Distributer: The Copp Clark Publishing Company (1972); p. 130 - 146 Narrow-mindedness VERSUS GOODNESS AND HYPOCRISY VERSUS CANDOR In his book, Joseph Gold gives us a summary on how narrow-mindedness typifies itself all through Martin Chuzzlewit. He examinations likely images in the book, which gave me a greater amount of a knowledge and another point of view that helped me see the principle characters and their change in an alternate setting. Narrow-mindedness and bad faith mark their casualties with bogus shells and twisted characters and lead them to have confidence in their prevalence over humankind. This renders them unequipped for encountering anything genuine what's more, leave them bobbling after bogus realities, while exploiting the unadulterated on a fundamental level. This is by all accounts the quintessence of what Gold needs to speak with his examination. Pecksniff is the deceiver who avoids nobody with regards to him making a benefit. Unaware of his powerlessness to self-reflect or maybe glad for his commended goodness, Pecksniff is the exemplification of nobility, as Gold clarifies; he is in the book to show the extraordinary and explains America's job as a national Pecksniff. Through him do Thomas Pinch and Martin Chuzzlewit the Elder at long last open their eyes to their own lesser indecencies; Pinch's na?ve conduct changes after defied with the genuine, or should I say bogus shell of, Pecksniff, while Chuzzlewit Sr. sees portions of himself in Pecksniff and is at the same time helped to remember genuine goodness, genuineness and human relationship through Thomas Pinch. Gold goes completely into an examination of the worldview among Jonas and the Book of Jonah, both characters escaping from their own selves; it isn't until they acknowledge the grain, as Sairey Gamp puts it, connoting Jonah's arrival to God in the whale's stomach, that they can arrive at self-satisfaction. Jonas'sgod is Tigg Montague and their movement is in a mentor going to Salisbury. It is here Jonas gets mindful his own self and the way which he needs to follow, which winds up with the passings of Montague and himself. Gold's examination perceives the fundamental parts of the book and his assortment of statements from other experts/creators supporting his theory (on the off chance that he was ever uncertain!), persuades me regarding the imagery present in Martin Chuzzlewit and the evident human failings in a portion of the characters. Charles Dickens: Radical Moralist covers the entirety of the significant occasions and significant collaborations and connections between Martin Chuzzlewit's characters and clarifies their significance for the headway of the book's story-line. Me perusing the MC analysis...!
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Hamlet Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Hamlet - Essay Example Hamlet’s frenzy drives him to submit vengeance for the passing of the King who was his dad. Hamlet’s makes a plan to compel his uncle to acknowledge that he killed the King. In Act I scene V of the play, Hamlet’s father’s phantom urges him to kill the present King who is his uncle as vengeance for harming his dad (Shakespeare 35). As a component of his plan to cause his uncle to admit to the wrongdoing, he pretends franticness. His first attributes of franticness show up when he experiences Ophelia, a lady who he had made endless introductions of his love. He acts crazy towards her before the opening of the story. He acts frantic by snatching her hands, stroking her face, and by gazing at her intently as he leaves the room. Ophelia’s father Polonius characteristics Hamlet’s frenzy because of his affection for her. Through his franticness, Hamlet distances Ophelia by making it realized that he never adored her. Hamlet further confounds her whe n he chooses to sit close to her during the play inside a play in Act III. Ophelia is uncertain of his despairing to elated disposition change. Hamlet nearly retaliates for his father’s demise when he finds the lord bowing down in supplication. He ponders upon this by scrutinizing the ethical quality of murdering him when he is in supplication. In Act III scene IV, his father’s phantom visits him again to advise him that he has not retaliated for his homicide (Shakespeare 95). In Act V scene II, he at last executes the lord before he kicks the bucket as well. Hamlet’s faked frenzy prompts him getting fixated on retribution for his dad. In the play, Ophelia is girl to Polonius, and Hamlet’s love intrigue. She gets caught among Polonius and Hamlet’s world as she gets befuddled regarding whether to get loyal towards his dad or experience passionate feelings for Hamlet. This disarray results to her grievous end. Ophelia as requested by society at the t ime is loyal towards his dad. He lives by his father’s runs and gets utilized by him as a catch to keep an eye on Hamlet. Ophelia’s compliance towards men likewise leaves her at the benevolent actions of Hamlet’s steady maltreatment of her. Hamlet blames Ophelia for being a reproducer of heathens and if she somehow managed to wed she would transform her significant other into a beast as she would undermine him. The steady torrent of analysis coordinated towards her by Hamlet pounds her. She gets smashed when Hamlet pronounces that he never cherished her (Shakespeare 30). As a young lady, Ophelia is feeling the squeeze from both her dad and Hamlet. She in the end breaks and goes frantic. She sings of a young lady who gets fooled into losing her virginity for a bogus guarantee on marriage. Her frenzy drives her to end it all by suffocating. Her psychological breakdown is genuine and because of the man centric weight and misuse he gets from his dad and Hamlet. Ophe lia’s franticness gets contributed by the general mess existent in the whole play. She gets befuddled with respect to whether to give up to Hamlet or her dad. She gets trapped in the two universes. It is this disarray drives her to breakdown intellectually. Ophelia’s franticness can likewise get ascribed to the misanthropic and sexual orientation subjects existent in the play. As requested by society at that point, ladies were to be devoted to each move by their male partners in the public arena. Ophelia gets compelled to comply with the men in her lives. It is this accommodation to both her dad and Hamlet that add to her mess and evident mental breakdown. She consents to his father’
Friday, August 21, 2020
What are Check Cashing Stores - OppLoans
What are Check Cashing Stores - OppLoans What are Check Cashing Stores? What are Check Cashing Stores?Inside Subprime: Dec 25, 2018By Aubrey Sitler You’ve heard of payday loans, you’ve heard of title loans, and youre fully aware of how predatory both of these bad credit loans can be. But what is check cashing, and how does it fit in with the subprime financial products and services you already know how to avoid?Many people receive income in the form of checks, and if they don’t have a traditional bank account, or are buried in overdraft fees, they may have a difficult time cashing those checks.That’s where check cashing stores come in. They offer customers check cashing services in exchange for a fee usually a flat fee plus a set percentage of 3 to 5% of the amount of the check being cashed. So, for example, if you wanted to cash a $1000 check, and a check casher charges a flat $5 fee plus a 3% fee, you would receive $965 in exchange for their check-cashing service.Many check-cashing storefronts also offer other financial services similar to th ose of banks, but for the unbanked or underbanked. These services vary across companies and locations, but they often include money orders, prepaid debit and credit cards, bill payments, payday loans, title loans, and other short-term and bad credit loans and services.When talking about the customers who frequent check cashers and other subprime financial service companies, it’s important to keep in mind that we’re referring to a pretty big subset of the U.S. population who use those services.The latest estimates from the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC)’s 2017 household survey indicate that 8.4 million U.S. households (6.5% of all U.S. households) are unbanked, meaning that they do not have any savings accounts, checking accounts, credit cards, or other financial products offered by banks. Another estimated 18.7% of U.S. households (24.2 million households in total) are underbanked. These households may have a savings or checking account with a reputable financial institution, but they also used financial products and services outside of the formal banking system from places like title or payday lenders. Specifically, 23.7% of unbanked and 3.8% of underbanked households used a non-bank check casher as an income source in 2017.Critics of check-cashing companies posit that they are predatory, and their fees are significantly higher than they would be if a customer were using a traditional bank, thus making households who rely on their services worse off than if they just had a checking account and could cash checks for free. However, a recent Business Insider article provides some insight into why people with bank accounts might opt into using check-cashing services including an argument that they are clearer about the fees they charge than banks tend to be, especially for those experiencing financial turmoil.For more information on payday loans, scams, and cash advances and check out our state financial guides including California, I llinois, Texas, Florida and more.Visit OppLoans on YouTube | Facebook | Twitter | LinkedIn
Monday, May 25, 2020
The, Royal Tenenbaums, And The Grand Budapest Hotel
Wes Anderson, director of several films including Moonrise Kingdom, Royal Tenenbaums, and The Grand Budapest Hotel, has a very unique style of cinematography, often recognized by his use of long duration shots, excessive panning, and symmetric and centered frames. In his short film, Castello Cavalcanti, which tells the story of a race car driver who accidentally crashes in his ancestral village, Wes Anderson implements several different techniques such as pans in camera movement, juxtaposition in sound and music, contrast in colours in mise en scà ¨ne, and editing to show the story to the audience on a deeper, more emotional level. To begin, the use of camera movement (and lack thereof) in this short film pushes the story forward by creating unity and disunity. In the beginning shots the camera has a large amount of movement, anxious to show the setting of Castello Cavalcanti, panning almost impatiently left and right to show every little part of the quaint community. In shot 2, the camera begins the shot focusing on the woman of Castello Cavalcanti. The camera then pans over to a little boy, then moves upwards in a crane shot to show some of the young men. In this shot, the camera pans eagerly looking for action, for something out of the ordinary. After the race car driver arrives on the scene, the camera stops moving. From shots 8 and onward the camera for the most part remains practically static. The camera has finally found something interesting, disunity, someone whoShow MoreRelatedAnalysis Of The Grand Budapest Hotel 2195 Words  | 9 Pagesbecome an acclaimed signature. The Grand Budapest Hotel, The Darjeeling Limited, and The Royal Tenenbaums are chosen from Anderson’s filmography to show that the use of these features has remained constant since his earliest work. Anderson is known for his quirky style. When people, especially filmgoers see a movie that has distinguishing color palette and perfect symmetry that’s aesthetically pleasing, they would know it’s his. Since The Grand Budapest Hotel is a story within a story, the colorRead MoreThemes In The Royal Tenenbaums850 Words  | 4 PagesThe Royal Tenenbaums, is a film about Royal Tenenbaum(Gene Hackman) who wants to reconnect with his children and be a better father after distancing himself for several years. At the same time also trying to rekindle his relationship with his ex-wife Etheline Tenenbaum(Anjelica Huston). The Wes Anderson film The Royal Tenenbaums, is a great film that explores different views through cinematography. The film has an amazing theme, character development, and dark humor. The theme in the film is depression
Thursday, May 14, 2020
Alice Walkers Efforts for the Civil Rights Movement
Alice Walker, born February ninth of 1944, was a child of tenant farmers in Eatonton, Georgia. As she lost sight in one eye from being shot with a BB gun, she read and wrote surrounding herself with her mother and aunts. As she witnessed the independence of these women, along with the oppression of the sharecropping system and violent racist acts, her artistic view was shaped. In 1961, she got involved with the Civil Right Movement at Spelman College, and became active after moving to Mississippi. Together with her husband, Civil Rights Lawyer Melvyn Rosenman Leventhal, married in March of 1967, she worked registering blacks to vote in Mississippi. They divorced after her daughter, Rebecca, was born. In 1968, Walker published her first poetry book, Once, and she became writer-in-residence, and a teacher of black studies at Jackson State University, and then Tougaloo College. In 1970, She published her first novel, The Third Life of Grange Copeland, a narrative of three generations o f a black sharecropping family. The novel was praised for character sensitivity, although it received little popular or critical attention. Alice received the Radcliffe Institute Fellowship in 1971, and the Guggenheim Fellowship and her second McDowell Colony Fellowship in 1977. â€Å"Alice Walker’s works have received considerable praise, particularly from the black and feminist communities,†(Bloom 12) and although criticized for the negative portrayals of men, she focuses on issues faced byShow MoreRelatedAn Analysis Of Alice Walker s Everyday Use989 Words  | 4 PagesAmy LaPalme English 102 22 January 2015 Heritage: The Various Interpretations in Alice Walker’s â€Å"Everyday Use†According to The Merriam-Webster Dictionary (2015), heritage is defined as, â€Å"traditions, achievements, beliefs, etc., that are part of the history of a group or nation†(â€Å"Heritage†). Heritage takes on mixed meanings for different people as a consequence of life experiences and belief systems. Alice Walker’s â€Å"Everyday Use†utilizes characters with varying ideas of â€Å"heritage†to enlightenRead More Alice Walker Essay1482 Words  | 6 Pages Best known for her Pulitzer Prize-winning novel The Color Purple, Alice Walker portrays black women struggling for sexual as well as racial equality and emerging as strong, creative individuals. Walker was born on February 9, 1944, in Eatonton, Georgia, the eighth child of Willie Lee and Minnie Grant Walker. When Walker was eight, her right eye was injured by one of her brothers, resulting in permanent damage to her eye and facial disfigurement that isolated her as a child. This is where her feminineRead MoreThe 1950’s -1960’s was a tough time for African Americans. Struggling for freedom since the 19th700 Words  | 3 Pages19th century, they were finally closer to getting what they deserved. Alice walker’s short story, â€Å"Everyday use,†describes the different stances blacks had during that decade. The author uses characterization, symbolism, and theme to demonstrate African American viewpoints during the civil rights movement. Characters are picked carefully because without them the plot of the story is nonexistent. In Alice walker’s short story, â€Å"Everyday Use,†there are three main characters. Mama isRead MoreThe Importance Of Family Heritage By Alice Walker1100 Words  | 5 PagesImportance of Family Heritage One of the most inspiring authors in American history is Alice Walker. Walker is the youngest child in a sharecropper family that found her overly ambitious and highly competitive (Walker 609). This gave her a strong fighting attitude, which allowed her to make positive changes in an extremely racist society. Unfortunately, when she was young, Walker was accidentally shot in her right eye with a BB gun while playing â€Å"Cowboys and Indians.†This accident caused Walker toRead Moreâ€Å"Everyday Use†by Alice Walker Essay1310 Words  | 6 PagesIn its simplest form, a child is a product of a man and a woman but Alice Walker one of the foremost authors during the twentieth century, adds depth to her black American women by focusing on the role that race and gender played in their development. Family reunions can be times of great anticipation, excitement and happiness but for Dee, a young, beautiful, African American and our leading character, it was a reunion with underlying, unspoken tensions. Dee was Dee but Dee had changed; a new husbandRead MoreAlice Walkers Poetry1609 Words  | 7 PagesDuring the civil rights movement many women and minorities were suppressed from being able to be true to themselves and what they believe in. Civil rights advocate and â€Å"womanist†, Alice Walker, in her poems, â€Å"Burial,†â€Å"Be Nobody’s Darling,†and â€Å"While Love is Unfashionable,†analyzes the importance of breaking away from the stereotypes set by society in efforts to prevent struggle. Walker uses a variety of parallelism, allusions, and metaphors to persuade readers to break free from the crowd andRead MoreThe Effects Of Writing On Feminist Theory1375 Words  | 6 Pagesearly feminists pushed for girls to receive education including key success skills such as reading and writing. Most men were not thrilled about this revolutionary change. Their efforts to uphold the traditional roles of women a re expressed through the character Gaston in Disney’s Beauty and the Beast: â€Å"It’s not right for a woman to read, soon she starts getting ideas and thinking.†Once women attained the ability to write, they were able to speak for themselves on matters such as female psycho-sexualRead MoreThe Second Wave Of Feminism1594 Words  | 7 Pagesfirst advocacies for women’s rights, the Second-wave feminism in the 1960s saw itself as a movement that achieved great success in terms of women’s social, economic, and political rights. The Women’s Rights Movement that began in the sixties, in comparison to the first-wave feminism in the 19th centuryâ€â€whereas many activists focused on only women’s suffrageâ€â€the second-wave feminism dealt with a broader range of issues. From education, the patriarchal system, sexual rights, and the workforce, to advocatingRead MoreCulture And Identity Of The Sun By Lorraine Hasberry, Everyday Use By Alice Walker And Etheridge Knight s1930 Words  | 8 Pagesetc., identity can be defined as â€Å"the qualities or beliefs that make one person or group different from others (†In exploring Culture and Identity in the literary works, A Raisin in the Sun by Lorraine Hasberry, Everyday Use by Alice Walker and Etheridge Knight’s A Poem for Myself, several outside forces can be found shaping the identity of the respective characters. The most recurrent theme found among the aforementioned works was the impact racial divide made on their identityRead MoreThe And Its Impact On Society Essay1711 Words  | 7 Pagesalways faced. Of the many visual and auditory elements implemented in the Freedom music video, one of the most obvious and important is the utilization of both black/white and color film. Beyoncà © utilizes this shift from black and white to color in an effort to indicate the parallelism between the past and present. Through her use of color––and lack of––Beyoncà © depicts the blurred line between then and now and how, because of the presence of discrimination in our so called â€Å"modern†society, it is hard
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Movie Analysis Mommy Dearest - 1125 Words
Happily never after? Are children of narcissist parents able to establish committed relationships as adults? Camara O Neal Daniel Kleber March 9, 2015 Happily, Never After? Are children of narcissist parents able to establish committed relationships as adults? Introduction: The movie â€Å"Mommy Dearest†is a true-life account from a child of a narcissistic mother’s point of view. That mother so happened to be a world renowned and famous old Hollywood actress Joan Crawford. The most famous line from the movie presents itself as Joan is pictured lovingly gazing over her two sleeping children; she precedes to admire all the pretty dresses she had purchased for her daughter and discovers in the rear of the closet a wire hanger. Outraged she wakes her daughter out of her sleep to demand the explanation for this horrendous infraction. â€Å"Narcissist mothers are often known to lack empathy, feel entitled, reject personal responsibility for her behaviors, engages in bullying and intimidation, is dishonest, has the relative morality of a small child, has chaotic and extremely dysfunctional relationships, has no sense of fair play and is completely self-obsessed.†(2012, Palmatier) Backgound Research: According to Taber’s Narcissistic Personality Disorder â€Å" A personality disorder marked by a grandiose sense of self-importance and preoccupation with fantasies of unlimited success, power, brilliance, or beauty. The individual believes that his problems are unique and can only
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Interventions for Sexual Issues and Dysfunctions free essay sample
Sexual Issues and Dysfunctions LaShawnda Ogle Walden University The Wilson’s are currently experiencing some sexual dysfunctions, a condition that can cause a lot of distress during intercourse (Hecker amp; Wetchler, 2010). In the case study Mrs. Wilson has been diagnosed with having Vaginismus. Vaginismus is known for causing some severe pain and as a result causes the female to avoid sexual activity (p. 377). It’s formally defined as the involuntary spastic contraction of the outer one-third of the vagina. There can be treatment techniques. The two sexual therapy interventions I would suggest for the Wilson’s are Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) and a medically treated approach using a vaginal dilator. The one intervention method suggested for Mrs. Wilson would be that of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy. According to Hecker amp; Wetchler, (2010), women with vaginismus can show fear and have some anxiety with the thought of penetration. In order to help decrease those fears and anxieties CBT may help Mrs. We will write a custom essay sample on Interventions for Sexual Issues and Dysfunctions or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Wilson’s sexual satisfaction increase as well as her over all well-being: addressing not only the physical pain or discomfort of sex but also the psychological aspects. For example: there are cognitive strategies such as: sexual exercises and relaxation techniques that can be applied with CBT in order to help relieve the pain associated with vaginismus (Hecker amp; Wetchler, 2010). CBT can also offer some coping skills along with restructuring a person’s way of thinking. Another intervention treatment method for sexual disorders such as that of Mrs. Wilson is more of a medically treated approach. Hecker amp; Wetchler, (2010) suggest a vaginal dilator as being a useful technique for modifying a conditioned response. Vaginal dilators are used to teach control of circumvaginal muscles (p. 377). In order to use these dilators they are generally supplied to people from a doctor’s office with or without the presence of the person’s partner. The private space offers the opportunity to help decrease the fear and anxiety with sex so that penetration can occur. The similarities of both CBT therapy and the medically treated approach using a vaginal dilator are that they both focus on calming the painful symptoms associated with sexual discourse in females. Another similarity with the two interventions is that they both offer suggestions in how to cope and deal with the shame and/or guilt associated with sexual dysfunctions. The only differences are the methods used to intervene. CBT focuses more on the cognition of dealing with negative thoughts that often occur with sexual disorders. The vaginal dilators focus on ways to relieve the stress without the conditioned fear response (p. 377). A challenge with using CBT therapy and vaginal dilators is that it encourages having both partners actively involved (Hecker amp; Wetchler, 2010). Sexual intercourse and dysfunctions can be a touchy subject that does not resolve itself without partner interaction, so getting both partners together could be somewhat of a challenge. In order to know whether or not a treatment intervention is working, both Mr. and Mrs. Wilson need to report the improvements in the symptoms of Mrs. Wilson. I would also like to know from both partners if increased enjoyment has occurred after treatment, in order to know whether or not my treatment interventions were working. Nonetheless, getting both partners together to discuss a sexual dysfunction is something I see as a challenge. References Hecker, L. , L. , amp; Wetchler, J. L. , eds. (2003). An Introduction to Marriage and Family Therapy (1st ed. ). Binghamton, NY: The Haworth Clinical Practice Press.
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